Trolley tour highlights Vincent Village initiatives
A few members of Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana joined Vincent Village's neighborhood trolley tour on Thursday night. This tour highlighted Vincent Village projects and initiatives and gave an overview of additional investments in the Oxford Community and Renaissance Pointe neighborhoods in Fort Wayne.
According to its mission, Vincent Village Inc. serves homeless families with children. It is the only transitional shelter in Allen County serving two-parent families and single-male headed families.

Tour participants enter the Vincent House Transitional Center, which provides shelter and supportive services for homeless families with children.

Denise Andorfer, the executive director of Vincent Village, gives an overview of neighborhood projects and initiatives in and around Vincent Village.

Vinnie's Empowerment Store where clients can acquire clothing and other goods to help them during their transitions.

Children's art dries on the rack after an early evening painting activity for kids at the transitional shelter.

Tour participants also visited the former fire station number 9. This community asset outside of Vincent Village was renovated into the Johnnie Mae Farm.

Inside of the renovated former fire station at the Johnnie Mae Farm. City residents can participate in healthy cooking class in Our HEALing Kitchen, which is sponsored by the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation and Parkview Health.

The Johnnie Mae Farm is a partnership between the City of Fort Wayne’s Office of Housing & Neighborhood Services and the Purdue Extension - Allen County Office.
For more information on Vincent Village, visit their website at
For more information on the Johnnie Mae Farm, visit
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