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YLNI Chair Spotlight - Courtney Sullivan

By YLNI Team

Social events are an important part of YLNI's programming aimed at emerging area leaders. Our organization is made up of a dedicated team of emerging leaders and volunteers. Meet Courtney Sullivan, who is currently serving as chair of the Social Events Committee.

What is your background?

I moved around a lot growing up and don't necessarily have a "hometown." I spent the majority of my upbringing on the east coast, near Philadelphia, PA. I moved to Fort Wayne two years ago and currently work at Purdue University Fort Wayne as a career counselor. I have a bachelor's degree in business management and a master's degree in student affairs administration in higher education. I worked in sales prior to switching to working in higher education and have not looked back!

Courtney Mask

Please describe your committee's programming.
The Social Events Committee plans Social Meet Ups and the Signature Event. Social Meet Ups were created as a way for current and prospective members to get to know each other and the area in a casual, small group setting. The Signature Event is planned to be a large annual event in the community for YLNI members.

How did you first get involved with YLNI?

I first heard about YLNI from my boss at Purdue University Fort Wayne. She knew that I had just moved to the area and was looking to make friends and suggested I get involved with YLNI right away. I first attended a Hot Spot and then looked into joining a committee to become more involved.


What inspired you to get into the work that you’re doing?

I love meeting new people and helping them when I can! I get to do that on a daily basis in my current role. Where and when do your best ideas come to you? My best ideas come to me when I am spending significant time alone in my own thoughts. For example, in a long car ride or solitude hike/run.

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