YLNI is a volunteer-based organization. Looking to get involved? Volunteer!

Volunteer with Leadership Development
Develop your own leadership skills while helping facilitate leadership programs. Our Leadership Development committees work with community leaders and program participants to plan programming for our Leadership Institute and Power Lunches.
If you haven't been in our Leadership Institute, we highly encourage it!
Volunteer with IDA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Advocacy)
Help us represent the voice of our demographic within our community. Our IDA committees is focused on public outreach and events to discussion key topics. Programming includes our Tough Talk events, Fort Wayne Pride participation, and Meet the Candidates events.
Volunteer with Social Programming
Network with fellow members and community leaders by being a part of our Social Committees. Help plan our monthly Hot Spots and other social events.
If you haven't attended a Hot Spot, we encourage it!
Volunteer with Communications
Be a part of making our community and members aware of YLNI. The Communications Committees develop our website, social media, newsletter, and other marketing assets for our organization.
Volunteer with Mission Advancement
Make a difference by helping YLNI secure funding and partnerships to operate our programming and memberships. The Mission Advancement Committee focuses on growing YLNI's membership and sponsorships.
Volunteer with Membership
YLNI would not be successful without our membership. Help us truly represent our demographic by growing and maintaining our membership base. The Membership Committee plans our General Membership Event, recruits new members, and supports current members.
Volunteer with the Farmer's Market
The YLNI Farmers Market is a producer-only market, meaning that our vendors personally make or grow the products they sell. Every vendor is local, coming from Allen or surrounding counties. Volunteer with the market to help us create an environment for community, professional, and social engagement through live music, activities for kids, and accessibility to local non-profit organizations.