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The inception of Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana (YLNI) was inspired by concerns over the "brain drain," referring to the exodus of young professionals from Indiana. In response, the Northeast Indiana Corporate Council, in 2004, sought insights from young professionals on how to make the region more appealing and retain its talent. This engagement led to networking and the realization among these individuals that they could collectively influence the economic and cultural development of Fort Wayne and beyond. Choosing to be part of the solution rather than the problem, they founded YLNI, committed to the prosperity of northeast Indiana. Since its foundation, YLNI has grown to over 1,000 members who have significantly contributed to the community's development, with many ambitious projects still in the pipeline.

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Northeast Indiana Corporate Council surveyed groups of young professionals to ask what they wanted from their community and combat the “brain drain,” a reference to the large number of YPs leaving Indiana to live and work in other states.

First Leadership Institute

YLNI graduated its first class of the Leadership Institute. LI involves hands-on instruction, small group activities, personal reflection, and sharing to help participants develop skills needed to advance in their careers and community. To date, we’ve graduated several hundred YPs.

Harrison Square Project

YLNI took a proactive role in engaging both its members and the broader community through educational initiatives and advocacy, particularly highlighted by their panel on the Harrison Square Project, emphasizing the project's significance. Imagining Fort Wayne without landmarks like Parkview Field underscores the impact of mobilizing young professionals, a strength of YLNI. Additionally, in the fall, with support from the Lincoln Financial Foundation, YLNI launched "YLNI the Vote," further educating young voters. This initiative included hosting a candidates' night and producing informative publications on candidates' stances, showcasing YLNI's commitment to informed community engagement and participation in civic matters.

Get on Board

YLNI hosted the first Get On Board events, designed to connect its members with local non-profits.

5 Year Anniversary

YLNI had a 5th Birthday Bash and closed down Calhoun Street in front of the Dash-In and Pint n Slice. This was a huge milestone for the all-volunteer organization.

Living Fort Wayne & My City Summit

YLNI, in collaboration with Parkview Health and King + Knight, launched Living Fort Wayne (LFW), establishing a pivotal digital hub for all things celebrating the dynamic essence of Fort Wayne. This platform highlights the best of living, working, and playing in the city, aimed at showcasing its vibrancy. Furthering their commitment to fostering community engagement, YLNI organized the inaugural My City Summit. This event, inspired by findings from the Knight Foundation’s Soul of the Community survey which pointed out a notable gap in community attachment among young college graduates in Fort Wayne, was met with enthusiastic participation. Attracting over 200 young professionals and community leaders, the summit focused on celebrating Fort Wayne's achievements while brainstorming ways to enhance community bonds and boost economic vitality, marking a significant stride towards redefining community engagement in the city.

Connect & Thrive

YLNI presented “My City Summit: Connect & Thrive”, a dinner conference for over 300 people designed for community leaders of all ages to explore their role in building stronger connections in our city by addressing important topics such as inclusion and diversity, economic development, and lowering crime, as well as exploring the impact of engagement, happiness and attachment on the continued revitalization of Downtown Fort Wayne.